Fun Book News: Richard Scarry’s New Book and More

Lowly Worm is Back! Scarry’s Son Publishes Manuscript found in author’s Swiss chalet

Loved seeing this interview on NPR with Richard Scarry’s son, Huck.  I’m sure this newly discovered book will be just as great as all of Scarry’s collection [check out my post on The World of Richard Scarry here.]  Lowly always makes us laugh, so I can’t wait to see his book.

Wes Anderson, the film maker, created a film interpretation of The Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl.  The movie is unique and hilarious with characters, very true to Dahl’s writing.  In fact, my husband and I enjoy this movie with and without our children!  From an Etsy Wes Anderson shop, these printed quotes caught my eye and would be fun for decorating a child’s room:

From one of my favorite book websites, Book Riot, comes an interview with the authors of  Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature:

The often overlooked truth about children’s books is that they are written by… adults. As in, real, live human adults who sometimes swear, get into fights, and even–gasp–have sex (or in the case of Roald Dahl, a lot of sex).  In Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature, three of the industry’s leading voices, Betsy Bird, Jules Danielson, and Peter Sieruta (who sadly passed before the publication of the book), take us on a fascinating and well-researched tour of the wild side of children’s literature.  In doing so, they not only show us the human face behind many of our beloved classics, but they also reveal the extent of children’s literature’s power as an art form.  With Wild Things! hitting bookshelves this month, we briefly caught up with Betsy and Jules for a few questions about the always interesting, sometimes subversive, and even bawdy, world of the children’s book. (Minh Le 2014)

This looks fascinating! I can’t wait to read it and will certainly have to discuss my thoughts on it here.

Book to Movie:

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was (and is) one of my favorite children’s picture books.  It’s going to be released on the big screen with Steve Carell and Jennifer Garner this fall! Will you go to see it? I hope they do this classic book justice.

Any other fun books news out there?



  1. I will probably see the Alexander movie because I love the book! It’s just so true to life lol. Thanks for sharing about the Wild Things book too! It looks interesting!

  2. 1. Richard Scarry (along with Dr Seuss) was my favourite when I was a kid. As an adult, I don’t think the writing holds up too well, but the illustrations are still marvellous.

    2. I just added Wild Things to my Amazon wish list.

  3. I loved Richard Scarry and Alexander as a child – though my own kids like Alexander better. We usually wait to see movies until they’re at the library, but I’ll bring it home when it gets there! I’m excited about Wild Things, too – I just ordered a copy for the library.

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