The delightful series from Jill Barklem, Brambly Hedge [which I’ve written about here] apparently had a short live series. THis would be entertaining for young fans of Brambly Hedge!


Flannery O’Connor is one of America’s most prolific, Catholic writers. She’s difficult to understand. My undergraduate professors – perhaps because of their lack of Catholicism – explained her in a surface manner as a Gothic writer. But she is, her writing is, so much more about faith on earth.
I’m looking forward to seeing it after reading several reviews which share Maya Hawkes dedication to the role. Here’s Word on Fire on the film:
I am convinced the primary reason Flannery O’Connor was so serious about her Catholic faith is that it was the one place where she experienced being seen and understood and loved; it was the one place in which she felt that she fit—that she belonged, because at the center of Catholicism is a crucified misfit. If Jesus is God, and if he was like us in all things but sin, including suffering and death, and then rising from the dead, well, then that means that O’Connor’s suffering can be redemptive too. It means that life is worth living and that the struggle is worth it and that somehow grace will break through even and especially when the pain and heartache is severe.

Enid Blyton’s fantasy tale is coming to life on screen. The Magic Faraway Tree coming to Film!
Jo, Bessie and Fanny come to live at the edge of the Enchanted Wood where the trees, “a darker green than usual,” whisper their secrets: “Wisha-wisha-wisha.” In the wood is the Faraway Tree — a huge tree inhabited by fairy-folk and laden with fruit of all kinds from acorns to lemons. Its topmost branches lead to ever-changing magical lands above the swirling clouds.
from Goodreads